​Most of our effort is focused on helping shelter cats find homes. Every Saturday our members transport cats and dogs from our local shelter to the Joplin PetSmart for adoption.  We sponsor many “last chance” shelter pets by paying part of or all of their adoption fees.


PetSmart adoption numbers 2014-2018=1320 cats and 596 dogs adopted at PetSmart


We do not take cats from individuals but focus on helping cats stay in the home where they are already living. We are available to advise cat owners with difficult situations such as litter box issues, scratching post training and more. As a very last resort we can assist owners in finding homes for their cats or kittens when they can no longer care for them. 


You can also make your contribution. We have an excellent volunteer program that moves a line of action with the greatest impact on our organization. Ask Us!

We invite you to learn more about our services and activities here on our website. Do not hesitate to contact us to get more information. We are happy to support you.

You can contact us at PO Box 335, Carthage, MO 64836


Spare Cat Resuce's Amazon Wish List

09/22/2014 08:24

Introducing a cat to a resident dog

09/18/2014 12:09
Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Dog Dogs and cats who have not experienced each other will...

Upper Respiratory Details

09/18/2014 12:06
Feline Upper Respiratory Infection Thank you for choosing to adopt a shelter cat from Spare Cat...

Why Declawing is Wrong

09/12/2014 09:08
Declawing is wrong.pdf (74,2 kB)

Fall 2014 Newletter, Full Color

09/12/2014 08:58
Final Q3 2014 SCR Newsletter.pdf (905,4 kB)

Trapping Gone Awry

08/26/2014 09:25
It was Darrell to the rescue again this morning when our most recent tnr caregivers encountered a...

Thanks to the Pauly's and the Grundy's for the donation of cat condos to us

08/14/2014 14:56

A note on Microchipping

05/28/2014 08:12
Did you know that you can have your pet micro chipped but if you do not register it that it does...

Taking No-Kill Approach With Feral Cat Population, New York Times Article

04/21/2014 09:42

Write to us with your feedback

03/03/2014 22:24
Would you like to ask us questions about the services we have available? Please contact us. We...
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